Student VISA

Student visa conditions

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) is the Australian Government department which manages everything relating to your student visa. You must make  sure you meet  the conditions of your visa.


Your visa conditions are set out in the letter of approval you receive with your visa. It is important that you are familiar with these conditions and follow them. Every year, a number of students abuse the law by, for example, working longer hours than permitted by their visa or overstaying their visa.

If you break your conditions, your visa may be cancelled and you may be required to leave Australia. You may also be prevented from returning to Australia for three years after your visa is cancelled.

If your circumstances change and you want  to change your course or provider, or you wish to stay longer, you should contact  your nearest DIBP office for advice on how to make these arrangements. It is also important that you ensure your visa does not expire while you are in Australia. If you remain in Australia for more  than 28 days after your student visa expires without obtaining a new  one, you may be prevented from returning for three years. If you need help understanding any of these conditions contact DIBP.

Extending your visa

If your student visa expires before you have finished your course of study, you will need to apply for a new  one at your local immigration office OR at the visa section at the Australian Mission or Embassy in your home  country. Further  information is available on the DIBP website at

8533 All students You must tell your education provider:

  • the address where you live in Australia within seven days of arriving in Australia
  • if you change the address where you live within seven days of the change
  • if you change education provider within seven days of receiving the electronic confirmation of enrolment certificate or evidence of enrolment.
8517 All students You must maintain adequate schooling arrangements for your school-age dependents who joined you in Australia for more than 3 months as part of your student visa application.
8516 All students You must continue to satisfy the requirements for grant of your student visa. This means, for example, that you continue to have sufficient financial capacity to support your study and stay in Australia.
8501 All students You must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance during your stay in Australia.
Note: Under policy, you must maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
8105 All students You cannot work more than 40 hours per fortnight when your course is in session (other than work which has been registered as a part of the course). A fortnight means any period of 14 days commencing on a Monday and ending at the end of the second following Sunday.

You can work for more than 40 hours per fortnight during recognised vacation periods offered by your education provider.

You cannot start paid work until you have started your course in Australia.

No work limits apply if you are studying a Masters by research or Doctorate course in Australia.

8202 All students You must remain enrolled in a registered course (unless you are a Foreign Affairs or Defence sponsored student or secondary exchange student in which case you must maintain full-time enrolment in your course of study or training).
Note: A registered course is one that is on theCommonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
You must maintain enrolment in a registered course that is the same level as, or at a higher level than, the registered course for which you were granted a visa. See: Changing coursesYou must maintain satisfactory attendance in your course and course progress for each study period as required by your education provider.
